job costing management software
Job sheet
- Centralise key data of a job
- View job analysis graphical reports
Manage budgets
- Define a budget (in quantity, amount, increase in value) for revenue and expenditure
Manage the job cost price
- View detailed analysis of cost prices and profit or loss by item type
- Configurable totals
Enter times per job
- Enter time and expenses per operator (internal, external, e.g. temporary worker)
- Enter equipment use time
Enter expenses per job
- Configurable by expense type (fuel, tolls, accommodation, etc.)
- Multiple currencies
Allocate resources (equipment, operators)
- By job, equipment, operator and update calendars
- Job schedules
Compare planned/actual data per job
- Monitor job progress
Analysis reports, dashboards
Integration into the Proginov ERP system
- Accounting & Finance
- Export to Proginov HR
- Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS)
- Electronic Document Management (EDM)
Multi-job analysis
- Summary by manager
- Select multiple jobs and display expenditure, revenue and margins
Customisable statistics
- Sales and purchases