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Electronic Document Management

Proginov brings you a tool to facilitate the storage and retrieval of your documents, while also ensuring data security and sharing.


A shared document database

EDM is used to store your company's documentation electronically, whether for invoices, delivery notes, orders, internal documents, product documentation, etc. It helps your teams work collaboratively by facilitating information access and sharing. It leverages the company's documents according to their life cycle, from creation to version management to archiving.
The main features it provides are: multi-folder management (with management of access rights), search by keywords and full-text, automatic archiving from a scanner, secure viewing of documents from outside the company (partners, suppliers, sales representatives, etc.) via a web browser.
More than just an Electronic Document Management system, the Proginov EDM is a real shared document database.

Au-delà des cas d’usage classiques d’une gestion documentaire (stockage des devis, factures, bons de livraisons, etc.), Proginov propose d’étendre les contextes d’utilisation grâce à la GED en WEB. Ainsi, le partage d’informations peut s’élargir aux échanges entre clients et fournisseurs pour la mise à disposition de documentation produit, de descriptifs techniques, de bons de livraisons, … Elle peut aussi être utilisée dans la gestion de projets métiers ou de projets internes à l’entreprise comme la construction d’un bâtiment. Elle se révèle également indispensable dans la mise en place d’horodatage et de signature électronique.

Multiple uses

In addition to routine document management (storage of quotations, invoices, delivery notes, etc.), Proginov provides additional uses thanks to the Web EDM system. Information such as product documentation, technical descriptions, delivery notes can be shared between customers and suppliers. The system can also be used to manage business projects or in-house projects, for instance the construction of a building. It is also a valuable tool when it comes to timestamping and electronic signatures.

Keep information flowing smoothly

An EDM system generates quick gains in terms of quality and costs for organisations. It is also the starting point for many extensions like electronic invoicing, intranets and forums. Whether it is used from within the ERP or via the web, different workflow scenarios can be set up, such as sending an email when a document is modified or requiring an approval process before a document is published. Fully integrated with the ERP, the EDM system is accessed directly from the product, customer, supplier or job sheets.


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    In accordance with the French Data Protection Act No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, you are informed that you have the right to access and rectify your personal information. To exercise your right, you can contact Proginov via one of the contact forms on this web site, by phone or email: Proginov – 36, rue de la Guillauderie - PA de Tournebride – 44118 La Chevrolière. Tel: +33 (0)2 51 70 93 93
    For more information on our policy concerning the processing of data collected, please see our legal notice.

    Auchan Direction Technique
    Autodistribution vente de pièces détachées
    Technidis, distributeur de fourniture industrielle